Cold front!

Fri 25 Jul 2014 12:51
Friday 25th july, 2014
Position 40:24.2N 27:05.0W
A difficult night. There is quite a deep low pressure system just to our west, and its associated cold front moved through our position at about 22,00 hours last night. Rain and wind! We managed to keep our stif fry veggie supper down, but the crew is now confined to her bunk, and looking rather pale! Still a wild night made for good progress, although the confused seas meant that we spent a long time with our nose burried in the waves, and less time than usual surfing over them. Excellent phosphoresence made for an awesome cockpit experience: not that I was tempted to spend a great deal of time soaking up the fun! Our AIS is now working perfectly, so we have a dual alarm system for big ships, and have 'seen' four so far, the nearest 8 miles off, but with these seas invisible to the naked eye.
Today is lovely: scudding light clouds and a lot of sunshine, wind down to about 18 kts. A bit of banging from the boom as last nights seas are rather slow to settle down. I have been up gybing the rig, and reading my 'New Statesman' in the cockpit. Time now for our daily prayers to the weather forecast gods, and to think about lunch, for one of us anyway!
Hannah sends love to all her friends/readers, and if anyone would like to swap places with her right this minute, he/she would be welcome to come aboard!