
Mon 5 Mar 2007 16:44
It's my toe: the rest of my forefoot is a delicate green!! Actually its getting better, you get a little introspective on your own, I won't go on about it again- even though there may be no one listening, as my only replies have been automatic ones from the big girls who are both out of their offices until March 12.
Noon position: 13.06N, 68.03W
This is good, and I managed to slow down enough without actually stopping by reducing sail to fully reefed main, and just the small staysail. Falling off to leeward a bit, but I think I can sort this out later, the sail trim and the windvane self steering are probably arguing in their quiet way. Another tanker passed close yesterday afternoon, but saw nothing during the night, at least when I was awake which last night seemed like most of the time. I usually get a good couple of hours after first dawn.
Should be in Spaanse Water, Curacao, at about this time tomorrow, so final transmission may be a little late. Burnt the Caribbean Nut Curry (my receipe) last night, and found all my garlic cloves have rotted at the same time: generally not a good odour down below this morning!! (or is it just that everything needs to go to the laundry now!)