
Mon 14 May 2012 07:46
Monday 14th May 2012
Position 8:06.1S 103:10.0E
Great first day on the real sea yesterday, but winds died overnight, and today cloud, squalls, calms, and what wind there is is not quite in the direction that I would wish, it is now a beat. That said, we are already a quarter distance to Cocos Keeling, so hardly grounds for complaint. A few fishing vessels out this far, but not as many as last year, some big traffic too.Not sure whether I sleep more by day or night! Just sending for a weather forecast, as if this makes your dreams come true! Apples from Jakarta all bad already, but tomatoes good, and cabbage, that great standby, likely to last all the way. Question is whather there is any fresh food in Cocos. If not, tins all the way!