In the Zone

Tue 18 Mar 2008 19:03
Tuesday, 18th March
Noon position 03:50N 82:09W
Relayed weather from Panama last night pt the edge of the ITCZ at between 5N, 90W and 4N, 80W. Indeed I crossed into it during the night, and this morning enjoyed my first thunder squall. Prompted to write before electrics put out by a lightning strike!! Nice in some ways to have some thick cloud cover, but the wind comes from anywhere, and either too much, or mostly too little! Passed my first waypoint at Isle Malpele this morning, 2am, so now trying to straighten out for the Galapagos, having perhaps escaped the worst of the calm areas to the north. 509 miles to the next waypoint, a daysail from the Islands. Enjoying this so far, good not to have an out patient clinic this morning!! Spent yesterday in close company with a NZ yacht, also buzzed by a big fishing boat, claiming to be from Spain, and a Colombian Navy ship. quiet today!