Land ahoy!

Wed 28 Jul 2010 05:33
Wednesday, 29th July
Position 04:40.6S 129:54.1E
Well, a volcano just popped up out of the humid haze, and we now have radio contact with several other boats, and at least we are not the very last to arrive. We have about 11 miles to go to the 'finish line', but do not expect it to be manned. Should be able to make the anchorage by nightfall, even if we have to motor a bit. Chief anxiety amongst all of us is: where do we park? Everyone seems to have the same useless large scale charts, and everyone has also realized that the official race instructions about the anchorage are total bunkum: showing unanchorable depths of 70 metres in the area. Hopefully all will become clear, but no doubt also the fast boys will by now have pinched the best spots! The racing fleet is off to Ambon tomorrow morning, but I hope that we cruisers will be allowed to stay for a day or two. All our bread is mouldy, maybe there is a bakery of some sort in the village ashore, maybe not, and would our Hannah try the local roti anyway? We do have plenty of baked beans, and with this heat we are both begining to look a little like them!