Continues to work hard, and achieve good results.

Sat 2 Jun 2012 08:26
Saturday, June 2nd 2012
Position 18:45.1S 72:57.8E. 550 miles from
Rodrigues, approaching threequarters distance.
Well, mentioned daughter no4 in my last blog, and
dreamt of her school report last night. In view of content, it was clear
that I was dreaming! We shall see in six weeks time. However the same report
applies to my little ship as she skips over, and sometimes ploughs into, the
ocean. Stronger winds for the last 24 hours, but we have the wind further
behind us, so there is little standing deep water on the side decks, and I am
sure this is when the leaking is worst. Have just reefed down some more, and
this has slightly increased my comfort as I type at the chart table. May reach
Rodrigues on thursday, but it all depends on the last 48 hrs of wind. No special
events in the last couple of days: indeed hardly anything at all to report. No
ships, no whales or dolphins, lots of small flying fish, and a few seabirds. The
sea is remarkably rough for the 25kts of wind that we are receiving today,
breaking crests all around, and these regularly froth over the decks, but
without great force. I have repaired my dodger, but this is the leeward one,
which does nothing, so I will leave it and its repair in the locker for now.It
has been difficult to connect to the satellite for several days, but have now
decided that it may be the angle of the phone in the cockpit. I really must,
before I get home to England, make a decent holder, so that the phone is not in
constant danger of being damaged, blown into the sea etc. Not great cooking
weather, I have earmarked a tin of anchovies with spaghetti for my supper,
whereas the French have a big fresh red tuna. Stereotyes, or what! I wonder if
those French boys don't have a pretty little waitress on board, and set their
table with one of those typical squared tablecloths each evening. You see,
dreaming again!