Off Again

Fri 22 Feb 2008 19:49
Well, not just yet, but I do hope to be out of this boatyard in about a week and through the canal very early March. Recovering from a 24 hour journey and acclimatising to the heat: this seems easier now, I'm begining to think it is perhaps the cold weather in Blighty that doesn't suit!
Not sure if we have an audience or not, last trip's blog was apparently too racy for the Russells Hall computer, and got blocked!
It was a relief to find Fleck safe and sound, but so far more bad news than good with my jobs and with local authorities. I have been fined a hundred dollars for an expired cruising permit, and I have lost two little screws on a piece of electronic gear that sits at the masthead and tells me about the wind: easy enough to replace in the UK, but out here?!. May have to resort to the traditional method of holding a wet finger in the air. Also ordered antifouling hasn't arrived: deja vu Opus Marina in Coracao.
There were riots in Colon last week, but didn't interfere with BBC 24 hour news. Only one person was shot.
Sad end to an iguana on the boat park last night: the boat boys spotted a three feet long one in the jungle beside the park, and all dropped their work and chased it into the open and stoned it to death. I'm told that they taste good, but try telling the anti foxhunt poeple that all human beings don't enjoy a chase: these guys went wild. An American woman was in tears, but I certainly wasn't going to come between a Panamanian Hunt and their supper.
Writing this over lunch which is the hottest part of the day, but cool in the AC clubhouse. Unfortunately my Marina WiFi internet connection was now gone down, so I may have to send this be satellite phone later