Catch up pics - Islas Espiritu Santo and Canas

Mon 17 Mar 2014 18:23
Safely at anchor behind the reef just above Isla Spiritu Santas. These little Islands are along the East coast of Isla del Rey. The scenery was spectacular - the wooded islands rise up steeply from the water and the forest on the mainland comes right down to the shore. Isla Canas is a really sheltered safe anchorage, it's the bay you can see on the right of this picture, between this island and Isla Canas on the right. We came in at low tide - the better to see the rocks. The trees on the island were very varied, it was springs when we were there and at high tide the low bushes on the shore were nearly covered, leaves and all. We spent some time watching some wonderful little herons, here's the best one. Opposite Isla Canas, on Isla Rey was a little village on a river mouth. The blue and white building on the left hand side above is the school house. There's a basket ball court next to it, and a little play park, the villagers were using it to dry grain - it looked like types of rice. They were using this old canoe as a threshing basin to extract the seeds from these pods and rays were put out to dry with the washing: Being early afternoon, the thing to do was to find some shade in a hammock, ignoring for the moment the policitians wanting some votes. Low tide leaves the boats high and dry, looking across the estuary. We are anchored behind the island on the far right. Shade giving palm trees line the sea shore. |