What a lovely day

Tue 12 Jun 2012 21:38
Beautiful day ... we're back in Falmouth, Shaun, living up to expectations, spent about 3 hours figuring out what was wrong with the charging from the generator: 2 chargers interfering with one another and thinking the battery was full when it wasn't - all sorted now :-)
We started the day in gorgeous warm sunshine, and I lazed - bikini and book and coffee in the cockpit for an hour or two, thinking "yep, this is what it's s'posed to be like", 'till the wind picked up and the clouds came over and I realised we need to be at least a few degrees south before this kind of behaviour is sustainable!
The morning continued with emails and texts and calls from family and friends, interspersed by a few pottery little jobs before the rain sets in for the rest of the week, then a trip ashore to do a little shopping and take some afternoon tea. After which we sat and watched the racing- placing bets for each class before hand of course. It's great racing here: reaching across the Carrick Roads before beating head to wind up the channel to the finish, the classes all mixed in together - speeding catamarans making loads of lee way and pointing low, beautiful Cornish working boats, with colourful topsails and flying jibs shouting "starboard!" to the J24s and serious race boats with their see through laminate sails, all jostling and stealing each other's wind then cheering each other with "hip - hooray!"s after the finish.
We then dinghied into town for another visit to our increasingly favourite restaurant - Cribbs Caribbean, for a meal of fantastic tastes, each sauce a delight and such good combinations of flavours...
So, contented, we headed back home, the harbour as still as a mill pond, the silver last light of the day flickering back up onto the hulls, the fish making rings on the surface as they came up to feed all around us... beautiful. And there she sat, a living moving thing, our boat, Lochmarin, shifting with the change of tide and wind, a safe and welcoming place to return to after such a lovely birthday.