Big Mamma's Yacht Club, Pangaimotu, Tongatapu.

Sat 25 Oct 2014 22:25
21:07.553S 175:09.742W

This is it, I've found it: the Pacific Yacht Club for me. Across the harbour from Nuku'alofa is the little island of Pangaimotu, the home of Big Mamma's Yacht Club. 

Bessie's welcoming smile.

Ok, it's short on some things, there's no racing around the buoys, no Commodores or Class Captains, no moorings or showers, but there's a wonderful welcome, wi-fi, decent beer and a beautiful beach. They'll help with most things a cruiser has need of, arranging for your laundry to be done, for gas, water or diesel to be refilled, they'll tell you where everything is in town and even pop you over and back in their water taxi to save you getting soaked in your dinghy. 

High tide at Big Mamma's.

The Island itself is the perfect size: you can walk around it in about 25 minutes, easily at low tide, but having to wade a bit and pick your way at high tide. What's more, Big Mamma supplies three dogs to keep you company whilst you walk, the youngest is still a puppy, Spike, who is all wagging tail and laughing licky tongue and gentle nips from white white teeth. For pet starved cruisers the dogs are a delight, as are the five cats who are happy to sit on your lap and be purr.

Spike being introduced to Spike the puppy. He's not too sure about this holding hands deal.