Nov 2012 - Jonas & Heather - The Colonial Triangle & The Mariners Museum

Thu 22 Nov 2012 21:29
Although we had previously visited Yorktown, we had not visited the Yorktown Victory Centre, which chronicles America’s struggle for independence in the 1700s
A re-enactment of a canon firing in the Revolutionary War.   Michael and Jonas with the Yorktown bridge in the background
Yorktown Victory Monument                                                                                                                        
Onto Williamsburg
Found this great looking beast whilst walking around historical Williamsburg (it was tethered!)
Time for a coffee break – Jonas off somewhere inspecting canons!
Another fine example of a tree with autumnal foliage
Lunch at Chownings in historical Williamsburg (not such a welcoming smile from these two ladies)
Jonas & Heather                                      Yours truly!
Next Jamestown Settlement, where we explored the world of America’s first permanent English colony and how the Powhatan Indian, the English and the west central African cultures come together in 17th century Virginia.
A guided tour of a re-created Powhatan Indian village in Jamestown
Another typical guide explaining about the historical Jamestown settlement and another canon!
This chap giving a display of flintlock rifle shooting – we had to hold our ears when he pulled the trigger!
Re-creations of the ships (3 in total) that set sail from London bound for Virginia in 1606 .  Susan Constant (above left) and Godspeed (above)
A visit to the Mariners Museum (America’s National Maritime Museum) located in Newport News was absolutely fascinating.  With a gallery space of 120,000 feet capturing the spirit of the open sea, there were so many fascinating stories and artefacts and we spent too much time visiting the $30 million USS Monitor Centre, the final home of the legendary civil war ironclad  It’s one museum we’ll have to re-visit to see all the exhibits we missed. 
Yet more canons outside the Mariners Museum and a display of confederate flags found inside the museum