Day out to a couple of historic Portuguese World Heritage sights.

Sun 31 Aug 2008 11:47

We were joined by Mandy and Steve off Beez Neez and as I had managed to find out all the bus times to and from the various places we were going to visit, I was for some reason put in charge of the day’s activities….. later to be nicknamed ‘Pathfinder’  or PF for short!


We took a local bus from Nazare to the town of Batalha, which is spread out around the famous Santa Maria de Vitoria Monastery. It was constructed during the 15th and 16th centuries to celebrate the independence of Portugal gained by the defeat of Castilian forces at the Battle of Aljubarrota and is considered to be one of the most beautiful European churches of the late Middle Ages. 


A selection of photos from inside the Monastery


    Gothic style of the Monastery which is the  centerpiece of Batalha                                                                             


 Next a half hours journey to Alcobaca, which owes its name to the Arab occupation and to the union of the Rivers Alcoa and Baca and is near its Monastery, which was built in the 12th century, after the donation vow of the lands conquered in 1153 by the first king of Portugal.



Alcobaca Monastery is 220 metres long and its turrets reach 43 metres high

   One of the many Kings tombs 


Impressive kichen and chimneys which                     In the Refectory

could cook 6 or 7 oxes at the same time          






A selection from inside the cloisters


Back to Nazare and a stop for a well earned beer at the marina bar and then back to Nimue for an early night, as we wanted to leave early the next day for Cascais.