Bequia to Rodney Bay, St Lucia (70 nm)

Mon 10 Jan 2011 19:39
Although the distance between these 2 Caribbean islands is only around 45nm, both are in fact separate Caribbean countries (Bequia is part of St. Vincent).  For each new country we visit, we must clear in and out of Customs and Immigration, otherwise large fines can be imposed.  We must also fly a yellow âQâ flag on the mast until we have received clearance into a new country.  Clearance can take anything from 15 to 30 minutes or 1 to 2 hours!


Sunrise over Bequia


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Nimue motoring alongside Beez Neez and .........................under sail


Beez Neez motoring up the coast of St Vincent


Following Beez Neez out of the anchorage, we were very quickly sailing on a beam reach into 15-20 knots of wind.  Once in the lee of St Vincent we ended up having to motor, but this gave us a chance to have a good look at one of the bays we visited back in 2000.  We passed the infamous Wallilabou bay which is now known for the setting of the Pirates of the Caribbean films, but we remember the welcoming committee of boat boys wanting to take our lines to tie up ashore for a few East Caribbean dollars!


Wallilabou Bay

Once north of St Vincent the wind started to blow again, so this time we put a reef in the main until we were safely in the lee of St Lucia.  We passed close by the famous Deux Pitons and had a very leisurely sail up to the north coast in lights winds.  It was dusk when we arrived at the mile long Rodney Bay where we dropped anchor and waited until the next day to clear in.  


Sailing past the Deux Pitons


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Nimue sailing towards Rodney Bay at sunset â what a long day!!!