Ouistreham gale bound day III

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Thu 11 Jun 2015 05:31
Day III Gale bound in Ouistreham
It is still howling with more due tonight but we are hopeful the
forecast comes right with a lull tomorrow morning to enable us to break
free. Our eyes are set upon our home port Yarmouth, 18-20 hours away,
but sadly we think it will be a very wet sail home!
ETA?? 4am ... but we will post a blog upon arrival and hope that we
haven't turned back and gone further up the French coast!
Many thanks to Yarmouth Harbour Master for allowing us to come alongside
the lifeboat pontoon until Monday.
This evening we invited Brigitte (walking tour last Friday) to tea and
she very kindly took this photo which has been requested by Susie Sutton
in Australia. As requested we have all stood in the same position to
that of our arrival in Camaret on 4th August (clothes are a little more
worn!). Have the children changed?
Major hiccup this evening. Bol went to check the engine and found the
oil level far too high, when he syphoned the oil out he found 5 litres
of water in the oil sump. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. After an oil change and filter
change and running the engine for five minutes he has now turned the
seawater inlet off and we will just have to run the engine for as short
a time as possible tomorrow ~ leaving the marina/entering the lock,
leaving the lock, entering Yarmouth Harbour ~ fingers crossed the
forecast holds true and we can sail the rest.
TC keeping us on our toes right until the end.