Alcoutim Tuesday 23-12-14 Merry Christmas

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Tue 23 Dec 2014 21:32
37:28.059N 007:28.119W Alcoutim Merry Christmas everyone! Much excitement as we have been invited to a party tomorrow/Christmas Eve at the house of Christian and Polly. They stumbled upon the River Guadiana 20 years ago by boat, loved it, bought a plot of land, built a house and have been here ever since ~ it's very dangerous here! Today was spent wrapping our Decathlon presents bought in Portimao and preparing Mince Pies for the party tomorrow ~ Caro we wait with baited breath to see whether the 'fish frying flour' works out OK as pastry! Isabelle is terribly worried Father Christmas might go to Shalfleet House instead tomorrow so we will leave him a note ~ and yes Grand Uncle Don we will make sure we leave the hatch open so he can get into the boat as we don't (yet) have a chimney. So in case we don't get to write tomorrow, the crew of Thursday's Child is wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. For six years we knew we wouldn't know where we'd be for Christmas 2014 until we got there ~ anchored on the border of Portugal and Spain in the beautiful River Guadiana is a fine spot to be. xx |