
Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Mon 25 Aug 2014 20:58

Sada/Fontan, Ria de Betanzos

The day started rather early, about 4am, with a wind shift to SW F5 making the boat nod up and down and threaten to drag her anchor, we kept an 'anchor watch' until day light and then after breakfast headed to some shelter 4 miles away in the lee of some land, much calmer. The last laugh was on us though as we have anchored downwind of a sewerage plant so the air is a rich mixture of sewerage and fish from the factory next to it!

Fishcakes on a BBQ don't really work so don't try them... the rest worked out OK and Harry had a very exciting snorkel into a cave, made more interesting by the swell taking him in and out.

We will spend the day here tomorrow and on to La Coruna on Wednesday morning. The SW wind will take a few days to pass through, and then the swell it will leave behind will need a few days to settle, so probably here until the weekend. Not a bad thing as La Coruna has plenty to offer.