
Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Mon 1 Dec 2014 22:16
Anchored in Faro
We are all pretty much in agreement that today has been one of the best days yet :-)
The dawn was beautiful with Portimao bathed in deep orange light, then much excitement as two people realised they could start their chocolate Advent calendars ......... before breakfast.
We were up and away from the anchorage nice and early, initially ghosting along at 2 knots with hardly a ripple on the ocean. Perfect for sitting at the front of the boat which is so peaceful and relaxing, and which hasn't been possible for the last few legs so was a real treat. The sky was blue from horizon to horizon, the sun was soon hot after a chilly start, the wind which began gently, grew steadily behind us until we were flying along at 6 - 7 knots with the jib poled out and the sea fizzing in our wake.
We sailed right through a feeding frenzie which was exciting with gannets diving bombing the sea all around us. Soon we saw literally thousands of mullet either side of us in huge dark shoals, we could hear them sucking at the air and then they'd all panic at once and disappear under the surface of the water, splashing as they went. Bol had lashed the Go-Pro camera onto a pole so had this held underwater on 'video' as we approached the shoals, hopefully something worthwhile was recorded.
And what a treat to come into the bay of Faro around teatime to find friends of Hamish and Kate's here at anchor, we knew they were along the coast somewhere and have been looking out for their beautiful big black schooner Abel Tasman. So after anchoring near them, Jack and Gerda came on board for a drink, such a small and wonderful world!