Lagos: Thursday 20th

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Mon 20 Apr 2015 23:34
Lagos marina
Today started early with Harry and Jojo leaving the boat at about eight to look for cockles and worms on the adjacent sandbank to use as bait. They met a delightful local fisherman hooking razor worms out of the sand, who showed them how to catch them.
Following breakfast Harry baited his hooks and started fishing. There was much excitement as he soon hooked a very nice sea bream that fed us all this evening. Isabelle was determined to help prepare the fish and gutted it herself.
After a trip ashore and lunch by which time the sand was covered by the rising tide, it was time for us to leave Alvor. We crept out following our previous tracks and managed to keep at least a metre under the keel this time. It was a beautiful sunny day with stunning colours of the water and sand spits, as we finally made it out through the breakwater to the sea.
A short time later we motored into the comfort of Lagos Marina and started preparing the boat for the trip home. Tomorrow Hans should arrive at lunchtime, so it may be pretty cosy on the boat for a couple of days.