St Peter port Monday 25th May

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Mon 25 May 2015 22:22
The bank holiday hill climb event was held at the southern end of the marina, so we felt might have been moored at Monaco not the Channel Islands. All sorts of machines were taking part in the event which had classes for modified road cars, racing cars, special hill climb cars, street bikes, super moto bikes and karts. Which meant that for about 6hours we had a background sound of screaming two strokes to V8 engines roaring up the hill every 15 seconds.
This event has taken place for over 40 years and was well supported. The fastest car was a modified racing car similar to a formula Ford and this covered the twisty 850m ascent in just under 28 seconds. What surprised me most was that one of the karts was only 1 second behind (quite a bit faster than any of the bikes).
The afternoon was definitely slower, flapjack was constructed in the galley while I made feet out of some timber to fit onto spinnaker and twizzler poles on deck. These will be used to help support the ends of TC when we dry out alongside the wall on Tuesday night. I will be much relieved when the prop is all done and we are sailing again...