Lagos Sunday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sun 23 Nov 2014 20:59

Marina da Lagos

Harry was up and dressed by dawn to retrieve his float at low water; amazingly we found it entangled in barnacles and rocks. We then went to fish off the beach but sadly his line snapped so he lost a different float, it was spotted in the surf but too difficult to retrieve. However the disaster was averted after chatting with a fisherman who pointed out where the locals purchase their fishing kit, we will replace it tomorrow ~ expensive game this fishing!

There are quite a few stray cats here and a local charity has been set up to spay/neuter, house and feed them. They are living on the breakwater in a purpose built shelter, we counted ten. Isabelle was particularly pleased to go and feed them today, she is missing her Trampus back home (our big black tom cat) so is enjoying any chance to meet others.

We have been advised to walk to our next destination, Alvor, to eye-ball the sand banks as they shift, whereas the marker buoys don't. We'll make sure we are there at low water around 9am tomorrow, it is just under 3 miles so fingers crossed it is fine weather as it has been raining on and off today.

If another person tells us that this is unusual weather for this time of year and "normally it is mild with blue skies and sunshine" ... they will end up swimming in the marina...... :-)

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