Lagos to Cascais

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sun 26 Apr 2015 21:11
Cascais Marina
Thursday's Child left Lagos around 1030 on Saturday with her new crew all enjoying an easy sunny 3hr motor with the mainsail up. Once we passed Cape St Vincent the wind angle opened up and we could unroll the jib and start sailing a beautiful course north.
The journey started well with sunshine and smiles but went downhill once it got dark.... I have been told to tell the truth so here goes! As expected when we got into the Atlantic swell Thursday's Child turned into the bucking bronco similar to the journey south and very sadly soon seasickness began to get a grip :-( but it has to be said that the sufferers were absolutely brilliant and the watch system was adhered to and everyone did their bit. In fact, not only 'did their bit' but did it incredibly cheerfully.
Fred did one watch and Hans & I did the other, 3hrs on and off during the night. At one stage the three of us were on deck at changeover time and Hans memorably said "so you do this for fun do you Fred?".
When a 30 knot squall was blowing through and we had just reduced to 2nd reef and were contemplating the 3rd reef, both Hans and I agreed we would rather have been at Shalfleet House where there was a very jolly beef fondue going on with both our families together celebrating Granabelle's birthday!
But just after the 3am watch change when Fred had completed a very difficult watch with rain, wind shifts, squalls and much large shipping, we were hit by a line squall that stopped us on our swift course north and headed us towards Cascais, so without too much deliberation we came into Cascais Marina for some rest.
Soon the journey improved, the stars came out and Lisbon's city loom appeared on the eastern horizon. Then dawn arrived, the world about us took shape and we had a glorious last few hours with hot sun shining and everyone smiling and laughing again, hardly able to believe the change in the world around us from 12hours before.
So a very restful afternoon and actually somewhat cheered by the latest forecast, the appearance of a new low in the western Atlantic which hopefully will bring SW winds from Wednesday/Thursday onwards. We hold our breath. If today's weather forecast holds true, then we could be in for a 7 day sleigh ride up the coast and across Bicsay. We shall see, things seem to change every day.
For now, we head off in the morning 70 miles towards Nazare where we will spend 2 nights.