Back in Oeiras

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sat 1 Nov 2014 23:01
Lisbon back to Oeiras
The children were determined to ride on an old fashioned tram which we spotted rattling around town yesterday. We had a walk along the river to the 'commercial centre' and after teas, coffees and the most enormous smoothies for the children, Harry spotted an rickety No 18 that brought us back to our marina. We then caught a roaring ebb tide back to the friendly Oeiras Marina.
Dinner was on Harry thanks to his successful catch, we asked the marina chaps what it was and they said Robalo ~ Sea bass ~ Harry was ecstatic, but Bol reckons there were too many bones for it to be a bass so we are not sure what it was! It was tasty and devoured three hours after catching.
Northerly wind has arrived so we head south to Sines in the morning.... hopefully we'll catch the complimentary fresh bread run before we leave.
A few happy snaps of our day are attached including several of the underpass by the marina which has amazing graffiti on the walls and pillars.