Guernsey Tuesday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Tue 26 May 2015 21:01
As promised, the harbour chap came around high water noon to help us get across the harbour. He tied his dory alongside and very skilfully he ghosted through the marina to the pontoon nearest the harbour wall, where we are now. In 3hrs time, around 1am he is going to move us alongside the harbour wall and the plan is for us to stay up until around 4am to ease the ropes as we go down with the falling ebb tide. Once we are on the seabed, we might be able to relax. The engineer is then due at 7am bringing our propeller, the newly machined nut and key.... Let's see how it goes!
To help the afternoon speed up, we went for a lovely walk along the coast south from here. The footpath meandered past rocky inlets, numerous gun bunkers, some 18th century canons, then disappeared up into woodlands which gave a good chance for the children to let off steam.
Today we were treated to the sight of the Queen Mary II at anchor off St Peter Port. We had heard on the radio that she was in Liverpool over the weekend with the QM and QEII (we missed what they were celebrating) so it was amazing to see her here.
Hopefully this time tomorrow we can be a fully self-propelling yacht once more..... :-)