Portimao Friday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Fri 28 Nov 2014 18:51
Portimao ~ again being sent via satellite so no photos.
We enjoyed our visit to Alvor, pretty dramatic at low tide with
sandbanks close on both sides. Last night was wild, our wildest at
anchor so far with a full blown gale hitting us at 6pm and going on
until 11pm when it stopped as abruptly as it began.
TC sat comfortably and ironically we spent the worst of the gale relying
upon our 'second' anchor, a Danforth with only 10m of 10mm chain plus
20m of 16mm nylon rope, the 'main' Delta anchor lay unemployed with its
50m of 10mm lying straight down from the bow.
This morning dawned with blue sky and a mirror-like estuary, an innocent
cousin to the one last night, enabling Harry and Bol to go fishing
around the anchorage. We had to time our departure carefully to leave on
the new flood yet arrive in Portimao in daylight. We crept out at 2knots
nervously watching the depth, at one stage only 50cm under the keel. A
familiar sight greeted us at the breakwater, SWELL!!!  But only 4 miles
to Portimao so we braced ourselves and were here in no time.
Now back at anchor in a peaceful spot off a beach with thunder and
lightening in the distance.... well, it was peaceful when we arrived, it
is now pouring with rain and howling.............