
Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Tue 2 Sep 2014 21:37
The town of Camarinas was very sleepy when we went ashore at 3pm so we headed to the yacht club to cool down with ice creams and wait for the shops to open at 4.30pm ~ we are starting to get the hang of the Spanish working hours. We needed some bread to put over the fishing hook as Harry was determined to catch another mullet, this time to serve as bait for a mackerel. He persevered for about an hour in the harbour and just as we'd given up Bol spotted a dead fish floating, it was not far from the fishing boats so we presume it had been rejected from their catch. Perfect, mackerel bait! Harry will try again in the morning, I think we have quite a budding fisherman on board although he isn't keen on the idea of gutting them ... yet....
We came across four ladies sitting under umbrellas patiently mending fishing nets, what an enormous job, the nets were stacked up high behind them.
All back to TC for a cooling-off swim and scrub of the water line which was a bit green. It is a month since our haul out in Mylor and there was, frustratingly, some growth.
The children's school starts again tomorrow, they can't believe their luck that they wont be being dragged out of bed at 6.30am to put on uniform and head to school, but they have been warned that some form of schooling will begin tomorrow, on top of their daily diary writing. Monster parents.
The wind turbines didn't know which way to face today and went from N, to E and are now facing S.