Muros to Ria de Arosa

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Wed 24 Sep 2014 19:34
Cabo Cruz, Ria de Arosa
Isabelle was very helpful on the bow this morning; as Bol upp'd anchor she pulled in the trip line and marker buoy. It is lovely to see them slowly learning to be more helpful on the boat, above deck and below.
At first light this morning Harry was out there fishing. As we left the anchorage he caught another mackerel and was frantically pulling it in, fortunately the moment he reeled it out of the water was caught on camera because unfortunately the thing wriggled free as it came up to the deck ! He took it very well and put the line straight out again .... for the same thing to happen again, and again, and again. Four mackerel and they all escaped. We blamed it on Thursday's Child going too fast as we left Muros!
Great sight with both the children fishing out of the cockpit as we sailed down the Ria de Muros and out into the ocean. They stopped when the ocean swell began and the wind rose. Soon we were rocking and rolling in about 20-25 knots, but having waited for it to be a north wind we were able to enjoy the fizz made by sailing with a following breeze, Bol looked very relaxed at the helm.
We only came to the next inlet, Ria de Arosa, 20 miles south. There are two options for entering but we left the A Level navigation for calmer conditions and headed in the wider entrance which didn't have swell breaking on hidden rocks on either side of a narrow channel. Quite a long and tiring thrash into the wind as we turned NE and headed to the end, but we are well rewarded with a long quiet beach, only boat at anchor and best of all, a family of resident dolphins ~ huge excitement on TC upon arrival and we hope to see more of them during our stay.
Unbelievably peaceful now at anchor. Here for a few days.