Alcoutim Friday 13th

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Fri 13 Mar 2015 16:13
Alcoutim/Sanlucar, River Guadiana Another Friday 13th means it is a month since we were waiting to cross from Gibraltar to Ceuta, the time is surely flying. This morning the four of us went to the Alcoutim Museum and Castle, both were restored in 1992 and now illustrate the history of the town for the last 1,000 years. The most interesting for the children was the exhibition of "Timeless Games" one of which apparently developed into modern day Drafts. Isabelle's photos show some of the finds discovered during the restoration; games, pots, arrow heads and canons. The Castle has fine views up and down the River. When Portugual regained independence the Castle was fitted with seven canon, aimed directly at the Castillo de San Marco across the River Guadiana in Spanish Sanlucar (which we visited on Wednesday). Apparently they were tense times. We are planning a visit up River to the Vascao early next week and watching the tide becoming more suitable each day. We need high water in the middle of the day. Whilst we are sad it was dead, we are pleased to have seen our first Portuguese snake! Thank you for suggestions starting to come in, but..... Do you, or anyone you know, have 2-3 weeks available to do some spring sailing? We are looking for a seasick-proof safe pair of hands preferably with offshore experience to help us sail back from the Algarve to St Malo at the beginning of May (without the children). If you are interested and would like more information, please could you email the boat at sadlertc {CHANGE TO AT} gmail {DOT} com. Expenses paid. Thank you. |