Alcoutim Saturday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sat 27 Dec 2014 13:15
37:28.059N 007:28.119W Alcoutim We have a 'Survival in the Wilderness' Book on board and one of the things of interest and relevance for this part of the world is Agave plant. Bol showed the children how to extract a needle and thread from the top of the plant! Harry is absolutely delighted with his new rod, this photo is of the first cast. Isabelle befriended this ginger cat in town. Sadly about 30seconds after this photo was taken, the cat dug its front teeth in to the back of her hand. OUCH. Very sad and very painful. Fortunately we have a good first aid box on board so Bol put hydrogen peroxide and iodine into the holes. Martha Primrose leaves tomorrow so Isabelle has gone for her final play date. The tide is so strong that Bol and Isabelle have drifted all the way downstream to her. And what am I doing today? About two weeks of washing by hand... the only draw back of Alcoutim is there is no washing machine! Where we are anchored, large lumps of wood and canya sticks get caught on the bow. It can be removed with the boat hook but as Isabelle said as the raft floated away, "see you on the next tide". We are starting to think we will spend one more week here before heading on down the coast. We relish the thought of returning in the spring when it is warmer. |