Sines Thursday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Thu 13 Nov 2014 23:05
Sines Marina
Wet and windy as forecasted.
Nipped out during one lull to establish there is a Lidl !! felt thoroughly home from home, we'll do a stock-up there tomorrow.
School was all about the 'sky at night'. Kate and Hamish gave Harry a beautiful book on stars and it just happens that the book highlights 10pm Nov 15th as one of the nights to star gaze. Hopefully we'll be night sailing then so we can match the stars in the heavens above with the stars charted in the book. Finished with eclipses, always an exciting topic!
Gas, fuel, water, laundry, usual boat admin after 2 weeks in one spot. Looking hopeful for an escape on Saturday, if we leave at 9am we should be off Cape St Vincent at dusk and Lagos by midnight. The Algarve is within reach finally.