False start

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sat 4 Oct 2014 20:54
So we are back in Bayona having given it a go; once we were clear of the headland we flopped about with zero on the wind instruments. Deeply frustrating, particularly as it is what the two chaps told us on the boat next door! We gave it a go for a while to see if anything would come up but as we were slowly being taken towards the rocks we decided to call it a day and headed back to the anchorage.
Another study of the weather forecast and it looks like we might be in Spain for quite a few more days, Harry is pleased, Isabelle is not pleased, she wants her birthday in Portugal, as has been promised all these years!
We will just have to wait for the wind. We don't wish to motor everywhere and although 8 knots north has now come up it really isn't enough for us to sail with. Such is life.