Another tough day in Arousa

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:21
When we awoke from our slumbers we were surrounded by 54 fishing boats of various sizes and types. It seems amazing that the Spanish have any sort of life left in their waters at all. Initially, we still had 15knots of breeze and it was quite cool, but then about mid morning when breakfast and school were done the wind died away leaving the Ria glassy smooth and the temperature shot up.
Isabelle shot off in the dinghy on her own to row to the beach which is just over 1/3 of a mile away. On board TC we spotted the family of dolphins in the distance sometimes jumping completely clear of the water. The more we see of the dolphins we reckon they just seem to be having a fun time. When Isabelle returned Harry, Isabelle and Bol took the dinghy around the local Island about 1/4 mile to the south east of our anchorage on a fishing trip. Sadly, their was not even a nibble, so returned empty handed for lunch.
Following lunch we all returned to the island to snorkel around the rocks, take some film with the Go Pro camera and look for fish. The water was a bit murky, but some small fish were spotted and lots of shoals of tiny fish crowded around the rocks, so a good time was had by all.
This evening was spent on a large sandy beach cooking chicken kebabs over an open fire and watching the sun go down and the lights coming on around the coastline, before we puttered back to the boat with Isabelle steering us home for the night and hot chocolate.