Muros Thursday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Thu 18 Sep 2014 20:51
Bit bleary eyed from a very hectic night of gale force gusts hitting TC from midnight through to 11am. She rode them well but Bol decided to add a second anchor late morning in anticipation of more wind predicted after lunch ~ TC had the last laugh, 15 minutes after we'd completed the job the wind died to 8 knots!
A delightful tea party on board Leo's 1947 wooden Folkboat which he rebuilt and sailed here with no engine. Bol enjoyed seeing his wood burner in action, a very efficient stove that made his cabin toasty very quickly. Leo also had an unnerving night so we watched with great admiration as he sailed into the Marina this morning at the height of the gusts.
We had a windy walk around the headland to look at the entrance of the Ria, swell and gusts roaring in from the south made us grateful to be safely at anchor still. However, great excitement to receive the forecast for next week and see northerlies predicted from Tuesday onwards.
Thank you to Caroline for reminding us Scotland went to the Polls today.
We are looking forward to Skyping school during a Friday Assembly one of these days, just sorry it isn't tomorrow.
What is it about our children and trees?