Alvor Saturday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sat 18 Apr 2015 21:04


We have had some amazing skies today and Harry has been diving into our Alan Watts 'Instant Weather Forecasting' book to try and read what they mean.

We also spent quite a bit of time staring up into the sky not just admiring the clouds, but watching a transport plane taking off throughout the day from a local airstrip and jettisoning parachutists, 8 or 9 at a time. Great spectator sport.

Bol and Isabelle had a peaceful afternoon on board whilst Harry and I had an epic 3hr walk ashore along the entire beach and boardwalk, following its winding way throughout a tidal lagoon created for the conservation of local wildlife habitat. It really is beautifully done and the nature reserve is an oasis for birds and butterflies.

John Bennet will be pleased to see the last photo taken here of Bol's first birthday present for this year..... he will also be pleased to learn that Harry has learnt his father's willingness to scrabble through the undergrowth to retrieve sparkling new fenders that have had the mis/good fortune to break free from their boat. It is now wrapped up in one of Jenny's new fender covers and looks like it is part of the kit on Thursday's Child.

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