Sines Sunday

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sun 9 Nov 2014 22:32


With the radio and a long aerial we heard a very faint and crackly Big Ben so were able to have a 2 minute silence (just) on board ~ the children thought of their Grandpa's. We are sorry to be missing the spectacle of the poppies at the Tower of London, but from the website it looks incredible.

After school, Bol and Harry went off on the dinghy to do some fishing in the anchorage, they caught a small mackerel but threw it back. Isabelle spent a lovely afternoon with paints from Uncle Rich, then Harry joined in and some of their pieces are attached.

We had the French couple with the dog to tea (the dog stayed on their boat), so lovely to meet other sailing folk.

Sines is growing on us, just as well as we might be here for a few more days!

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