
Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:20


Our exit from Sancti Petri was more nerve racking than the entrance as firstly we knew about the bar, and secondly we woke to hear the roar of the surf on the outer sand dunes. When we approached the dreaded bar at the entrance we saw long breaking waves, however we kept telling each other that there was 1m more water than last night as it was now mid-flood. With our hearts in our mouths we went for it and as hoped, we had 120cm under the keel at the most shallow point. We'd done our maths right!

Once safely out to sea again we had another gentle motor to Barbate. We passed Cape Trafalgar and thought about the Battle held here ~ nothing like sailing right through the battle ground to make one appreciate the difficulties and skills in sailing those huge ships and the enormous sacrifices and lives lost.

Entry into Barbate was very straight forward and we are now in the rather empty marina. We are sad that Tim and Caro aren't up the road in their flat, in fact it seems rather quiet here and there appears to be more cats than humans around but we have at last found a use for the tin of 'Vaccinated Tripe' (Bayona 2/10/14)...... feeding stray cats!

Keep forgetting to mention that the "flour for frying fish" made excellent mince pies.

Is this our last night in the Atlantic? Will we be in the Med tomorrow?

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