Vikbukta 68:11.830N 13:31.208E
Frans & Sarah Toonen
Wed 8 Jul 2015 07:46
Wednesday 8th July 2015. 14.6nm. 2 engine hours. N 3-4. Location: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (not 5 because of swell and the need to keep a close watch on the weather with exposure to the northerlies and strong currents to get back inland, strictly a fair weather anchorage) The strong winds started to abate after lunch and we set off at 4pm when Frans got back from his cycle trip. We headed north up the Nappstraum channel between Flakstadøy and Vestvågøya. We found 4kts of tide at the narrow mouth of the channel and rough seas due to the sea bed rising steeply at that point. We managed to avoid the worst of it by keeping inshore towards our anchorage. When out cycling Frans had found a lovely sandy bay where there is an old road around the headland - we anchored at the beach and went ashore at 11pm to walk around to the north side to watch the midnight sun. We were not alone! There were about 20 camper vans and as many tents in the beach area facing north. The sun was nowhere near the horizon at midnight so it seems the lowest point is later. Nevertheless at precisely midnight everybody came out with their cameras to take a picture of the midnight sun, this made us chuckle as no regard was given to daylightsaving and “midnight” is actually at 1am. We walked back through a one kilometre tunnel straight through the headland. It was built in the 1980’s to replace the road as rock falls kept closing the road and the villagers campaigned on the grounds of safety. There are very few villagers left now but the tunnel is much used by tourists. Not a bad spot, a bid bobbely as we’re exposed to the west, sent us to sleep a treat mind. Midnight sun selfie… aaah. |