Svendborg, Island of Fyn, Denmark 55:03.638N 10:36.863E

Frans & Sarah Toonen
Thu 12 Jun 2014 20:17
Thursday 12 June 2014. NW 4-5 beam reach. Brisk sail at 7 knots. Finally left Marstal at 12.00 after a very relaxing 4 day stay. The marina emptied out on Monday as it seems Germany and Denmark had to get back to work on Tuesday. We stayed alongside on the wharf as nobody was bothering us to move into the marina proper and we were closer to the town and did not have to box park. The marina was well equipped although the wharf and marine engineer area was very scruffy. Barbecue areas were provided with sheltered seating for several groups. There was also a ‘pantry’ where cookers and sinks were free to use, and private laundry rooms each with a washer and dryer. We have not seen such luxury before. On Tuesday we hired a bike for Sarah in the marina and set off to cycle to the picturesque town of Æroskobing. The cycle path was lovely with cute timber frame and thatched cottages along the way each with more scented roses than the last. Orange blossom is also a favourite. The corn fields had an abundance of poppies and cornflowers around the edges and the rolling countryside along the waters edge was delightful. At the tiny harbour of Æroskobing there was a good tourist info office were we established that the local buses (all free) take bikes. This meant Sarah could cycle on to the north tip of the island, Soby, about 30kms and then return to Marstal on the bus with the bike stowed in the luggage area. Frans cycled back and was only 10 mins behind the bus! This island is very quaint and has an old fashioned charm. Dungarees (with or without vest) are popular and children as young as 4 use the local bus unaccompanied to go long distances home from nursery. That evening we were joined on the wharf by ‘ Janna’ a 25 meter Dutch Tjalk built in 1898. Originally a cargo vessel whose rig/sails were removed in 1953, she has been restored to her former sailing glory by Erik and Jeannette Schumacher (yes they are distantly related to the unfortunate Michael) who bought her in 1996 when she was one of the last remaining cargo Tjalks in the world. She is an historical monument and we were fortunate to have a good look around the vessel and spend time with Erik and Jannette picking up tips about the Baltic where they have cruised for many summer holidays. Janna’s boom had developed a crack in the Douglas Fir and there was rot evident in the cracks the knots had created. She had had to come to Marstal to have the boom splinted with steel to last the season. On arrival in Svendborg we headed for the town quay having been recommended to ‘the best fish in the world’ by a German neighbour. The fish place turned out to be a little cafe with nothing exceptional showing so far as we could see. We were (as usual) too big for the boxes and so we moored alongside against brand new oak timbered rubbing posts. A very short walk from town and with new facilities close by all was fine. 2 Brits in front of us - first we have seen since Kiel. Janna, having her boom braced with steel cylinder. |