Arrival: Egersund 58:27.194N 006:00.016E

Frans & Sarah Toonen
Wed 13 Aug 2014 15:17
Wednesday 13th August 2014. Wind Southerly F5 occasionally F6, showers. 42.4nm Engine 2.7 hours. Max wave height 4m. The remnants of hurricane Bertha are still swirling around the North Sea but the wind was forcast to abate today and the wave height reduce to 2 to 3 meters. After last nights dinner party with our neighbours we decided for the 3 boats to leave at 8am together and meet up in Egersund, some 40nm north up the coast. We were the last to leave and with just a half hour head start Tulla Mhor was way ahead. We passed Navegante which was only expected with her 36’ to our 46’ (larger boats have a natural higher speed). We made good speed with the wind behind gusting up to 29knots and waves approaching 4 meters in height. It was definitely lively and Frans hand steered the whole way as the autopilot could not cope very well with the big awkward waves on the starboard quarter. Tulla Mhor was already berthed on finger pontoons when we reached the marina. The pilot book said moor on the south side but as Tulla Mhor was on the north we went round there and were pushed sideways by a strong current from the river to the east as it flowed under a bridge and into the bay. The next line of the pilot book said don’t use the north side or you’ll have bad cross current but we didn’t read that far….duh! As soon as Navegante arrived Anne-Bente invited us all on board for Akavit (Tryggve was still mooring up). This was followed by freshly cooked crab Tryggve had bought from a fisherman in Farsund washed down with delicious white wine… wow! We then had to leave Navegante so Tryggve and Anne-Bente could get on with making our supper of their own salt cod recipe for ‘Baccala’. They carry the fish with them all summer from their local fish merchant in Stavanger. Excellent meal and early night ready for a long day north tomorrow. See!… we don’t exaggerate! That’s Navegante. |
Danish Akavit (you need a mortgage for the Norwegian stuff). |