Loch Moidart 56:47.389N 005:50.147W

Frans & Sarah Toonen
Wed 10 Jul 2013 18:14
Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th July 2013 Awoke to thick fog in Bail'a Chlaidh, the gaelic name for the inlet between Gometra and Ulva were we stayed at anchor. Without the chart plotter it would have been impossible to find the exit. We set off and navigated by the plotter heading around the westerly edge of Mull going north. The fog seemed lighter close in so we headed to Loch a' Chumhainn where a sea eagle was perched on the rock to welcome us - pleased we could see him as the fog was clearing. Anchored for lunch and Gez had his nap. The sun came out and there were plenty of different birds to entertain us, the flock of geese we saw in close formation yesterday (possible there is more than one flock of course) came by and we photographed the geese for later identification. Gez sleeping and Frans reading so the ladies got the fishing bag out, which came with the boat, to try our luck. Although we have a telescopic rod and reel in working order there were no hooks below Moby Dick size and the smallest lure is 6" long so unless the Loch Ness Monster is out on holiday we won't be fishing until we find a shop. As the fog was clearing we set off again and actually sailed across to Ardnamurchan Point tacking pleasantly in the light airs. Lovely sandy beaches on the coast here and flocks of guillemots who do not move until Pelagia is right upon them when they either ran over the water before flying or dived under the boat using their wings under the water. The water is so clear it is easy to see them some distance under. We sailed all the way to the entrance to Loch Moidart and wiggled up the narrow route between the rocks as far as Castle Tioram to anchor. This spot is outstandingly beautiful, clear water, massive trees and the castle On Thursday we fired up the outboard and it worked! Leaving Sue on board with the dishes the others took the dingy over to land on Eilean Shona for exploration. Ardnamurchan point: ![]() M&S Curry in Loch Moidart: ![]() Lazing around in Loch Moidart: ![]() The fog rolling in onto Castle Tioram: ![]() |