Arrival: Kristianopel 56:15.426N 016:02.667E

Frans & Sarah Toonen
Tue 1 Jul 2014 17:46
Tuesday 1st July. Wind NW F4 backing SW F5, Sunny. Great sail doing 8kts but later slowing down to about 6kts, still averaged 7kts on the whole passage (66nm) which is very good for us. Had plenty to do on the way as most of the shipping to the northern Baltic passes through this stretch of water so we were busy keeping out of the way. For overnight we were looking to drop anchor somewhere. Kristianopel seemed to have decent shelter from the fresh southwesterly and we planned to drop anchor just outside the harbour. But as we went past the harbour entrance the harbourmaster was already there to direct us in. When asked if we could anchor he said no… probably just wanted his 250SEK… anyway seemed rude not to oblige. A charming little marina with most of the facilities. Had beer on the quay-side and were hoping to sample the local fish&chips but the staff didn’t seem keen to provide any service so we left and cooked on board. See the tug? The grey blob seems to be part of an ship (the writing on it seems to Russian) but not sure what was the intention… scrap? Assembly? According to the AIS it was on its way to St Nazaire (France). We’re wondering about the size of the tug’s fuel tank! |
Kristianopel… Charming: |
View from the poop deck: |