Simon Ridley
Sat 16 Nov 2013 15:58
16.53.16 N 24.59.48 W
So its been five years since I was last on Good Old Gertha and she’s still
a beaut !The first bit of our adventure was celebrated this morning with
champagne and pancakes as we entered Mindelo, Cape Verde ! 850 miles done !!!
Safe and sound ! Just another 2000 plus to do shame we have to keep heading to
more sunshine in November hey.
The first bit of the journey saw No pirates to take away the blonde as
Panos keeps telling me ! A few flying fish heading into berths to keep us on our
toes ! And a great moment of misprunation
Can You tell me the latitude ? Altitude ? Attitude ?
People struggle to understand my northernisms in the uk so imagine a
Anyhow we got an island to explore, our land legs to rediscover and a bar
to find !! |