isles des saintes

Simon Ridley
Sat 12 Jan 2008 02:15
Saterday Jan 12ish 2008
A small cluster of islands , part of Guaderloop so part of France, all very peacfull and quite complete with 19thCentuary fort ,ice cream shop, tourists and small village.
There is a cruise ship parked in the bay with us, modern but with three masts set as a sqare rigger, earlier there was a three or four masted but set up with a up to date rig, so may be we are in the cruise capital for cruise ships with masts.
Weather has moved fro clear and sunny to cloud, proably rain over islands wih big hills, ere we peak at about 200ft so no enough to induce rain.
Not much sea life here proably the French have eaten it all, Dominique we had dolphins and turtels plus friendly locals and not many over boats, the shops were a bit sparce though.