suicide fish
Simon Ridley
Sun 15 Jun 2008 21:40
SOG 7knts
COG 50
bang crash
bang crash
bang crash
bang crash
bang crash, this is the present situation that the
gertha crew are currently enjoing, though i shall not moan because we have
plently of wind and are flying along at a rate of knots.
last night we were sailing down wind with twin head
sails up and all was going well. in the murky hours of around 3am ish, lucy
dissapered for a quick toilet break..then i thought that ten days in the
atlantic had finally found its way to the core of her sanity and that
yes lucy had lost it, histerical screaming prancing and shouting exited the
toilet at the spread of a thousand gazelles. it turned out that an flying fish
had thought himself a martyr and in an attempt rather like the excocet missile
had flown through the small oppening in the toilet window and struck lucy in the
back of the head.
happy birthday to laura one of the gertha crew who
is the ripe of old of 23, or 32 i cant remember the numbers all loose there
meaning but shes on that slippery slope,
tonights special is chilli! well ground and tubed
turkey bird with an assortment of spices.
there has been little sleep and red bull and bimbos
are currently fuelin the crew.
not sure the toilet might have blocked today, it
does most days, but simon entertained his afternoon with extreme sewing by
fixing the jib sheet.
all is well in the middle of the atlantic, we would
like to extend our warmest wishes on farthers day and thank you for supporting
us all in what we do,
bye for now
Ian and the Gertha
crew |