14:04.518N 60:56.947W

Simon Ridley
Sat 15 Dec 2007 04:00
Now in Rodney bay St.Lucia, appologies for first mte not writing up blog, last seen swimming out of marina, presmably for UK.
Arived at 1 am local tine yesterday, which made a crosing of 17 days and 16 hours, I think. Last 36 hours have been jet lag and sleep deprevation make up.
Finnish line was imposable to find, in dark with town lights as back drop, however found it eventualy and motered to a reception on punch and beer, helped moor a cat that came in 2 hors after us, then it was dawn.
Have as yet to see much of area as nackered , tommorow will be a beach then may be a sail to Martinique on Sunday.
Weather is crap, a hot slightly dry lake district would be polite; but as he Labour party used to say, things can only get better.
We are waiting up fr a Maximouse who was due in and as a mate of Steph would be rude not to see him in. wish he would hurry up.
My typing is worse tn ever, will try for something poetic later.