2am wake up

Simon Ridley
Sat 14 Jun 2008 21:26
30:51.44N 52:54.14W at 21:00 UTC
Course: 70 degrees
True wind: 17knots due west
Speed: 5.5 knots
My, my, my the excitement. We enjoyed a spectacular
sunset last night but the night did not pass quite so romantically
as by around 2am last night Kate and I noticed that a funny aroma
was rising from below. Kate heroically went to investigate only to find the
toilet backfilling all over the bathroom floor. Mmmm. Try as she might she could
not clear the blockage, but thankfully Simon was up in a flash and to the
rescue, managing to pump that little bit harder, clearing the system to see
another day. This was not the end of the excitement by any means. I was removing
my waterproofs and looking forward to getting into bed and Simon was
attemping to light the stove for a caffeine hit but found it getting further and
further away from him whilst I realised I was almost horizontal whilst still
standing. Our first squall had arrived. Back on deck it was to hastily arrange
ropes and sails to restore Gertha to a sense of calm after she reached her top
speed since we left of 10.5 knots. Needless to say there was no time to faff
around with waterproofs so i found myself nice and soggy as I got into bed after
all the excitement.
By morning there were 4 dead flying fish on
deck, all was a little more calm and we have been sailing steadily
throughout the day enjoying the occasional visit from Nigel who likes to check
we are OK. Jam tart was on the menu for afternoon tea and after the success
of last night's cobbler (thanks Moody for the recipe) Ian is now prepaing
another mince based meal. Just one more day of pulverised bones until we start
on the tinned stuff until we reach the Azores whenever that may be.
The wind has been pushing us a bit far north so it
was time for a sail change a short while ago that provided us with more fun and
games. Downwind sailing means twin head sails according to captain and that
means fighting around with a long piece of metal at the front of the boat trying
to connect the mast with a sail that generally involves lots of huffing and
puffing and hanging on for dear life to anything that doesn't move (Kate is
a particular fan of the mast) before it is good to go.
Kate has taken to calling sleep "sleepies" and
feels quite rediculous having said this, something she will not be allowed to
forget. As a come back I have been told to mention something that we forgot
to blog about in the BVI...Laura was attempting to make the transition
between dingy and boat but managed to kick the boat away and landed face first
in the water with the painter between her legs, much to the amusement of those
around. Feel free to laugh as much as you like.
I think that's about it for now, so until tomorrow
when we can find some more tales of the high seas to ramble on about I will bid
you adieu.
I'm not too sure why I have started calling father
dearest Simon.