Swimming with the sharks

Thu 18 Jun 2009 23:35
Early up this morning to swim to the sharks!  
We took the rubber boat out to the pass where the lagoon starts, and drifted with the current along the most fantastically beautiful coral reef. We ended up by a hut perched out in the water on styltes, and with the families on Vagabond Heart and Pegasus, we watched the children STROKE a sea bass (1.5 meters).
Most sharks here are Black-Tipped Sharks and friendly enough to not pay any attention to us. But there are other types too, so no swimming at sun-up or sun-down, because those are the sharks' feeding times. Other than that, they do leave you alone.
Buc and Simon are currently dismanteling one of the leaking windows, so there is A LOT  of black rubber lying around everywhere, as well as a few curved windows that rest on matrasses on the foredeck. Catherine is still living with us, making Amanda incredibly happy. Right now, the girls are dancing around on the boat to the music Brittany Spears, getting covered in all the stuff that Buc and Simon scrapes off. 
I am writing this, trying to keep out of the way.