At Anchor, Nalauwaki Bay, Waya Island

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Tue 19 Jul 2011 09:26
Position at 1600 FST: 17.16.4304S 177.07.0293E
Hi All,
We departed Blue Lagoon this mornng and made the 4.5 hour passage to Waya Island where we are at anchor before we head off to Lautoka in the morning. On the way down we caught a huge fish which we initially thought was a Mackerel - turned out to be a Barracuda, which after we recovered our lure from its massive choppers was returned to the deep.
This evening we hosted Geoff and Ellen off "Blueglass" and Brad and Emily off "Windy" for a pot luck BBQ dinner onboard (intially we had planned to share a fish). We had an enjoyable time, but wrapped up earlyish as we have a bit of an early start to sail the 25nm to Lautoka in the morning. The weather looks pretty good for the trip. Assuming customs internal clearance is quick and painless we should be in the marna at Denerau late tomorrow afternoon so we can arrange to see a Doctor there on Thursday morning about my leg.
Let you know how it all goes tomrrow night. TTFN