At Anchor, Panasia Island - We're in Paradise!

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Sat 22 Aug 2009 06:11
Position at 1600 AEST 11:07:76S 152:20:85E
This place is AMAZING! We sailed for three days straight................. now, it's all worth it. There is a hut on the beach and sevaral gardens for yams, pawpaws, patatos and bananas! Were going to trade some stuff for a finger of bananas, two or three yams and a pawpaw. Allan caught a 81cm long king snapper! man that means a LOT of fish for dinner!                                              Sarah
The trading is with the heads man of the local village, John.
For tomorrow: we have to proceed to Nivani Island to meet up with the Customs official so that we can formally clear in to PNG. We shoud remain there overnight before finding another paradise to stop at! All very