The Long Slog South

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Tue 11 Jan 2011 04:59
Postion at 1800 NZDT 41.04.5S 176.15.7E Wind S 12
knots, clear and sunny
Did I say it has been a long day? The forecast SE
wind has turned up as a southerly necessitating several log tacks out to
seaward overnight. After lunch we furled the genoa and have been motorsailing
ever since, with Yanni (the troll who lives under the companionway) doing good
work all day. We are now making good time along our track and should be aroud
Cape Palliser (the SE tip of the North Is) early tomorrow morning.
The forecast for tomorrow in Cook Strait is for
gale force winds late PM, but we should be well inside the Marlborough sounds by
then. Otherwise, all is well onboard, the regular use of Kwells is keping
everyone happy (and more or less on an even keel).
Until tomorrow, TTFN