Gis-Vegas Rocks

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Wed 5 Jan 2011 07:29
Another day in what is turning out to be a pretty cool spot. Walked across the road to the local marine shop with my broken gear cable in hand and said "what are the chances..." Mark behind the counter sucked his teeth and said "It's a bit long..." $NZD76.00 later I had a replacement in hand and by midday it was in and tested serviceable, and we have lost the stiffness in the gear selector, so Cate can drive the boat at last!
This afternoon we went for a walk and filled the gas cylinder (Nanna trolley still going strong after 3 years and much abuse). This afternoon we tidied up and had Wayne, a local marine pilot who owns the boat next door, over for a few drinks, which then ended up (as per) in the Club Bar.
The good news is that now that we are FMC (Fully Mission Capable) again we can get out of here and head down to Napier to collect Marie on Monday. Weather for Friday looks more good than bad, so we will head off first thing and hopefully arrive in time for dinner ashore in the Napier marina at a reasonable time.
Tomorrow we are renting a car and are going down to the Rere rockslide, which is a scree in a river that you can ride down. Sounds cool, taking out wetsuits....Will let you know how it goes tomorrow night,